Wednesday, April 7, 2010


To function effectively as an interacting, interrelated, and interdependent
feedback tool for management and staff, MIS must be "useable." The five
elements of a useable MIS system are: timeliness, accuracy, consistency,
completeness, and relevance. The usefulness of MIS is hindered whenever
one or more of these elements is compromised.
To simplify prompt decision making, an institution's MIS should be capable of
providing and distributing current information to appropriate users.
Information systems should be designed to expedite reporting of information.
The system should be able to quickly collect and edit data, summarize results,
and be able to adjust and correct errors promptly.
A sound system of automated and manual internal controls must exist
throughout all information systems processing activities. Information should
receive appropriate editing, balancing, and internal control checks. A
comprehensive internal and external audit program should be employed to
ensure the adequacy of internal controls.
To be reliable, data should be processed and compiled consistently and
uniformly. Variations in how data is collected and reported can distort
information and trend analysis. In addition, because data collection and
reporting processes will change over time, management must establish sound
procedures to allow for systems changes. These procedures should be well
defined and documented, clearly communicated to appropriate employees,
and should include an effective monitoring system.
Decision makers need complete and pertinent information in a summarized
form. Reports should be designed to eliminate clutter and voluminous detail,
thereby avoiding "information overload."
Information provided to management must be relevant. Information that is
inappropriate, unnecessary, or too detailed for effective decision making has
no value. MIS must be appropriate to support the management level using it.
The relevance and level of detail provided through MIS systems directly
correlate to what is needed by the board of directors, executive management,
departmental or area mid-level managers, etc. in the performance of their

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