Monday, November 20, 2006

Introduction of "lecture-Notes and Tutorials"

This blog contains information regarding various computer courses student may study during their study curriculum. Idea is to post lecture notes,question banks,tips on subject about which I can talk n this blog. This will definately provide guidance about subject. I am starting with question bank of Simulation & Modeling and Automata Theory and will keep on posting Lecture notes,tips in the latter posts.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Brief discussion about Differential Equation models and their Simulator

  1. Describe the working of a Simple harmonic oscillator?What do u understand by Damping factor?Describe the driving force which makes the oscillator oscillate?And also give reasons for dampening of the motion of the oscillator?
  2. What is the difference b/w Discrete and Linear oscillator?Stress upon the difference in working mechanism of the oscillators.
  3. Discuss Lotka-Volterra Model
  4. Discuss Rossler’s Attractor?
  5. What do u understand by Stability problems? Also, discuss various sources of error that can occur in a System?
  6. What do u understand by positive and negative feedbacks in a Feedback loop?
  7. What do u understand by exponential delay of first order? Discuss factor that is responsible for dampening of such a system?
  8. Discuss feedback loop in a Continuous System?
  9. Compare the cyclic behavior of the Rossler,Vanderpol, and second linear oscillator
  10. Explain how the effect of a state transition may not only be to schedule new events , but also to cancel events that were scheduled in the part.
  11. State and Explain DTSS.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Discussing Cellular Automata in detail

  1. What is Cellular Automata?Waht is its use?How is it different from switching automata?Explain.
  2. What is use of Cellular Automata for discrete time models and their simulation?Explain
  3. Write a Simulator for one–dimensional cellular automata. Compare the direct approach that scans cell all the time with the discrete event approach in terms of execution time.
  4. Compare the cyclic behavior of the Rossler,Vanderpol, and second linear oscillator

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Understanding Input Output behavior of a System

  1. What do you understand by I/O behavior of a System?
  2. Discuss the usage I/O function in functionality of any system? Give examples.

  3. What do you understand by State transition? Also discuss briefly formulation of a trajectory in any system

  4. Explain the concept of segment and trajectories. Provide a pictorial representation of Input ,output ,state trajectories explaining how these trajectories change with time base.

  5. Segments of a system can be differentiated into different categories.
  6. Discuss various kind of segments explaining their application.

  7. What do u understand by Observation frame? When is it used state with example?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Simulation & Modeling Question Bank (continued)

  1. Explain what is meant by Model Validation?How do you validate models in
    practice ?What are the major sources of error in validation?
  2. What are different type of Models?Explain their general characterstics?
  3. Explain the Monte-Carlo Simulation Technique.
  4. Explain Poisson Distribution Technique?
  5. What do you understand by Verification and Validation of simulation model?

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Simulation and Modeling Question bank

In this post I have listed elementary questions that are related to basics of S&M.

  1. Sketch and explain Basic System specification formalisms
  2. Define the terms ‘System’ & ‘Model’. Also discuss various types of System and Models. Describe the various criteria of classification of systems and models. Illustrate with abundant examples.
  3. Discuss modeling relation and validity
  4. The inescapable fact about modeling is that it is severely constrained by complexity limitations’. Explain.
  5. What do you understand by Hierarchy of System Specification? Why is it required Explain?
  6. Discuss various levels of System Knowledge?
  7. What are the fundamental system problems that any system has to face?
  8. What do you understand by Object oriented paradigm? How can you relate it with System theory?
  9. Discuss briefly evolution of System Formalism? Discuss various forms of System formalisms? Can they be used together? State with help of some examples?
  10. Name and Explain different levels of system knowledge?
  11. Define Time Base. How behaviors occur over time?

  12. What do you understand by Coupling of systems? How advantageous is this? What are the parameters we need to keep in mind while coupling two systems.

  13. What do you mean by quantized systems? Explain

  14. Describe different entities of the framework for modeling and system simulation. Are these entities related to each other? Explain.


Modeling and Simulation by Zeigler
Simulation Modeling and Analysis by Averill M.Law,W. David Kelton