Wednesday, April 14, 2010



  • Have simpler and manageable system
  • Develop common understanding between consultant and the organization
  • Involve programmer in needs assessment
  • Customize off-the-shelf software
  • Have simple software for users to handle
  • Extensively involve users in MIS development
  • Adopt modular approach for s/w development


  • Be ambitious
  • Be unrealistic in developing action plan
  • Delay decisions on hiring application developer/s
  • Depend heavily on the Consultant
  • Invest heavily in in-house application development
  • Let vendors determine hardware needs for LAN
  • Go for large applications




  • Participate in assessing users’ information needs
  • Develop computer based applications
  • Undertake initial testing and debugging applications
  • Operationalize the applications
  • Staff training
  • Extend on-going support to users in handling the applications
  • Focus on customizing inexpensive market software for agency needs




  • Interact with user groups
  • Identify the needs of users of MIS
  • ·Designing of reporting formats
  • Identify systems of information flow
  • Ensure smooth flow of information within and outside the organization
  • Time management – tracking inputs/reports
  • Act as interface among sections and management tiers
  • Identify training needs of staff in MIS jointly with application developer
  • Organize monthly/periodic meetings to assess performance, maintain minutes and follow-up on the decisions
  • Interface with the various divisions/units in the organization for information sharing




Preliminary Investigation

· The problem
· Magnitude and scope
· Alternatives
· Viability and cost effectiveness

Requirements Analysis

· Knowing the primary and secondary users
· Ascertaining user needs
· Primary and secondary sources of information
· Design, development and implementation needs

Systems design

· Inputs
· Processing
· Outputs
· Storage
· Procedures
· Human resources


· Compatibility
· Cost effectiveness
· Performance standards
· After sales service
· Configuration
· Portability


· Application development
· Testing
· Debugging – logical and syntactical
· Procedure and user manual preparation
· Orientation and training

Maintenance and Upgradation


Information & Types of Management Information


Information is data presented in a form that is meaningful to therecipient. It adds to knowledge and is relevant for the situation.

Two types of information are accounting information and management information.

Data becomes information when they are transformed to
communicate meaning or knowledge, ideas or conclusions. By
itself data is meaningless.

The attributes of an item of information are: accuracy, form,
frequency, breadth (scope), origin, time. horizon. Attributes of a
set of information are relevance, completeness and timeliness.


Seven types of information are necessary for top-level managers.

1. Comfort information: informs about current situation or
achievement levels that are tuned to expectations. (Clients
served, target achieved, patients treated, operations conducted,

2. Status information or progress information: keeps abreast of
current problem and crises and changes.(progress on office
construction, status of research study, labor negotiation, grant

3. Warning information: signals that change for good or worse are
occurring (stock price, turn over, client complaints, etc.)

4. Planning information: descriptions of projects/programs due in
future, knowledge of anticipated developments(future of
funding, future of federal/provincial support )

5. Internal operations information: indicators on how organization/
program is performing.

6. External intelligence: information, gossip, and opinions about
activities in the environment of the agency. Competition,
funding policies, political changes, emerging social policies,

7. Externally distributed information: annual report before release,
quarterly progress report for donors, press releases about the
agency, publicity material before printing, etc.

Among these, the first five are internal to the organization. Two
are external to the organization.


Integrated Financial Management Information Syatem [MIS]

A financial management information system, or integrated financial management information system (IFMIS), is an information system that tracks financial events and summarizes financial information. In its basic form, an IFMIS is little more than an accounting system configured to operate according to the needs and specifications of the environment in which it is installed.

Generally, the term “IFMIS” refers to the use of information and communications technology in financial operations to support management and budget decisions, fiduciary responsibilities, and the preparation of financial reports and statements. In the government realm, IFMIS refers more specifically to the computerization of public financial management (PFM) processes, from budget preparation and execution to accounting and reporting, with the help of an integrated system for financial management of line ministries, spending agencies and other public sector operations.

The principal element that “integrates” an IFMIS is a common, single, reliable platform database (or a series of interconnected databases) to and from which all data expressed in financial terms flow. Integration is the key to any successful IFMIS. In a nutshell, integration implies that the system has the following basic features:

  • Standard data classification for recording financial events;

  • Internal controls over data entry, transaction processing, and reporting; and

  • Common processes for similar transactions and a system design that eliminates unnecessary duplication of data entry.

Integration oftentimes applies only to the core financial management functions that an IFMIS supports, but in an ideal world it would also cover other information systems with which the core systems communicate, such as human resources, payroll, and revenue (tax and customs). At a minimum, the IFMIS should be designed to interface with these systems.

An IFMIS stores, organizes and makes access to financial information easy. It not only stores all the financial information relating to current and past years’ spending, but also stores the approved budgets for these years, details on inflows and outflows of funds, as well as complete inventories of financial assets (e.g., equipment, land and buildings) and liabilities (debt).
The scale and scope of an IFMIS can vary, from simple General Ledger System to a comprehensive system addressing Budget, Revenue, Expenditure Control, Debt, Resource Management, Human Resources, Payroll, Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Auditing processes across central government or even including local government and other public sector and quasi-governmental agencies and operations.
A more comprehensive, well integrated system will:

  • Provide timely, accurate, and consistent data for management and budget decision-making;

  • Support government-wide as well as agency-level policy decisions;

  • Integrate budget and budget execution data, allowing greater financial control and reducing opportunities for discretion in the use of public funds;

  • Provide information for budget planning, analysis and government-wide reporting;

  • Facilitate financial statement preparation; and

  • Provide a complete audit trail to facilitate audits.

By recording information into an integrated system that uses common values, IFMIS users can access the system and extract the specific information they require to carry out different functions and tasks. All manner of reports can be generated: balance sheets, sources and uses of funds, cost reports, returns on investment, aging of receivables and payables, cash flow projections, budget variances, and performance reports of all types. Some systems have libraries consisting of hundreds of standard reports. Managers can use this information for a variety of purposes: to plan and formulate budgets; examine results against budgets and plans; manage cash balances; track the status of debts and receivables; monitor the use of fixed assets; monitor the performance of specific departments or units; and make revisions and adjustments as necessary, to name a few. Reports can also be tailored to meet the reporting requirements set by external agencies and international institutions like the IMF.


Achieving Sound MIS

The development of sound MIS is the result of the development and
enforcement of a culture of system ownership. An "owner" is a system user
who knows current customer and constituent needs and also has budget
authority to fund new projects. Building "ownership" promotes pride in
institution processes and helps ensure accountability.

Although MIS does not necessarily reduce expenses, the development of
meaningful systems, and their proper use, will lessen the probability that
erroneous decisions will be made because of inaccurate or untimely
information. Erroneous decisions invariably misallocate and/or waste
resources. This may result in an adverse impact on earnings and/or capital.
MIS which meets the five elements of useability is a critical ingredient to an
institution's short- and long-range planning efforts. To achieve sound MIS, the
organization's planning process should include consideration of MIS needs at
both the tactical and strategic levels. For example, at a tactical level MIS
systems and report output should support the annual operating plan and
budgetary processes. They should also be used in support of the long term
strategic MIS and business planning initiatives. Without the development of
an effective MIS, it is more difficult for management to measure and monitor
the success of new initiatives and the progress of ongoing projects. Two
common examples of this would be the management of mergers and
acquisitions or the continuing development and the introduction of new
products and services.

Management needs to ensure that MIS systems are developed according to a
sound methodology that encompasses the following phases:

• Appropriate analysis of system alternatives, approval points as the
system is developed or acquired, and task organization.
• Program development and negotiation of contracts with equipment and
software vendors.
• Development of user instructions, training, and testing of the system.
• Installation and maintenance of the system.

Management should also consider use of "project management techniques" to
monitor progress as the MIS system is being developed. Internal controls
must be woven into the processes and periodically reviewed by auditors.
Management also should ensure that managers and staff receive initial and
ongoing training in MIS. In addition, user manuals should be available and
provide the following information:

• A brief description of the application or system.
• Input instructions, including collection points and times to send
updated information.
• Balancing and reconciliation procedures.
• A complete listing of output reports, including samples.

Depending on the size and complexity of its MIS system, an institution may
need to use different manuals for different users such as first-level users, unit
managers, and programmers.


MIS Basics

A management information system (MIS) is a system or process that provides
the information necessary to manage an organization effectively. MIS and the
information it generates are generally considered essential components of
prudent and reasonable business decisions.

The importance of maintaining a consistent approach to the development,
use, and review of MIS systems within the institution must be an ongoing
concern of both bank management and OCC examiners. MIS should have a
clearly defined framework of guidelines, policies or practices, standards, and
procedures for the organization. These should be followed throughout the
institution in the development, maintenance, and use of all MIS.

MIS is viewed and used at many levels by management. It should be
supportive of the institution's longer term strategic goals and objectives. To
the other extreme it is also those everyday financial accounting systems that
are used to ensure basic control is maintained over financial recordkeeping

Financial accounting systems and subsystems are just one type of institutional
MIS. Financial accounting systems are an important functional element or part
of the total MIS structure. However, they are more narrowly focused on the
internal balancing of an institution's books to the general ledger and other
financial accounting subsystems. For example, accrual adjustments,
reconciling and correcting entries used to reconcile the financial systems to
the general ledger are not always immediately entered into other MIS systems.
Accordingly, although MIS and accounting reconcilement totals for related
listings and activities should be similar, they may not necessarily balance.
An institution's MIS should be designed to achieve the following goals:

• Enhance communication among employees.
• Deliver complex material throughout the institution.
• Provide an objective system for recording and aggregating information.
• Reduce expenses related to labor-intensive manual activities.
• Support the organization's strategic goals and direction.

Because MIS supplies decision makers with facts, it supports and enhances the
overall decision making process. MIS also enhances job performance
throughout an institution. At the most senior levels, it provides the data and
information to help the board and management make strategic decisions. At
other levels, MIS provides the means through which the institution's activities
are monitored and information is distributed to management, employees, and

Effective MIS should ensure the appropriate presentation formats and time
frames required by operations and senior management are met. MIS can be
maintained and developed by either manual or automated systems or a
combination of both. It should always be sufficient to meet an institution's
unique business goals and objectives. The effective deliveries of an
institution's products and services are supported by the MIS. These systems
should be accessible and useable at all appropriate levels of the organization.
MIS is a critical component of the institution's overall risk management
strategy. MIS supports management's ability to perform such reviews. MIS
should be used to recognize, monitor, measure, limit, and manage risks. Risk
management involves four main elements:

• Policies or practices.
• Operational processes.
• Staff and management.
• Feedback devices.

Frequently, operational processes and feedback devices are intertwined and
cannot easily be viewed separately. The most efficient and useable MIS
should be both operational and informational. As such, management can use
MIS to measure performance, manage resources, and help an institution
comply with regulatory requirements. One example of this would be the
managing and reporting of loans to insiders. MIS can also be used by
management to provide feedback on the effectiveness of risk controls.
Controls are developed to support the proper management of risk through
the institution's policies or practices, operational processes, and the
assignment of duties and responsibilities to staff and managers.

Technology advances have increased both the availability and volume of
information management and the directors have available for both planning
and decision making. Correspondingly, technology also increases the
potential for inaccurate reporting and flawed decision making. Because data
can be extracted from many financial and transaction systems, appropriate
control procedures must be set up to ensure that information is correct and
relevant. In addition, since MIS often originates from multiple equipment
platforms including mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers, controls
must ensure that systems on smaller computers have processing controls that
are as well defined and as effective as those commonly found on the
traditionally larger mainframe systems.

All institutions must set up a framework of sound fundamental principles that
identify risk, establish controls, and provide for effective MIS review and
monitoring systems throughout the organization. Commonly, an organization
may choose to establish and express these sound principles in writing. The
OCC fully endorses and supports placing these principles in writing to
enhance effective communications throughout the institution. If however,
management follows sound fundamental principles and governs the risk in the
MIS Review area, a written policy is not required by the OCC. If sound
principles are not effectively practiced, the OCC may require management to
establish written MIS policies to formally communicate risk parameters and
controls in this area.


Management, Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions


Natural disasters such as fires and earthquakes can strike at any time. A spilled cup of coffee can also do some damage! Waiting until disaster strikes isn't the best time to figure out how to recover your systems. Smart organizations create a disaster recovery plan ahead of time and/or use firms specializing in disaster recovery.

Management Challenges

There's a reason why we explain all those methods and procedures and processes in future chapters for building good, solid information systems. They ensure system quality so that the product produced by the system is as good as it can be.

Designing Systems that are Neither Over-controlled nor Under-controlled

You should be realistic about security and system controls. If you institute five layers of entry into your Web site, people probably won't use it that much. They'll either ignore it or find a way around your controls. You have to analyze the system and determine those areas that should receive more security and controls and those that probably can use less. You probably don't want to go to the expense of checking absolutely every transaction that is entered into the system, so you check a sampling of the data. Just make sure the sampling is large enough to detect any exceptions.

Implementing an Effective Security Policy

Does your company devote enough resources to information systems security? If your company is like the majority, sadly the answer to that question will be no.

Solution Guidelines

While there is no surefire way to protect systems and data from every threat, great and small, businesses need to take a more firm-wide approach to security. Every person in the organization, from the CEO down, needs to be involved in security. Organizations must control access through firewalls, transaction logs, access security, and output controls. Software programs that track "footprints" of people accessing the system can be a good way to detect intruders, what they did, what files they accessed, and how they entered your system initially.

A few methods an organization can use to beef up security are:

· What firm resources are the most critical to control and secure?

· What level of system downtime is acceptable?

· What is the minimum acceptable level of performance for software and systems?

· How much is the business willing to invest to protect its information assets?


Technologies and Tools for Security and Control

Access Control

The headlines telling of hackers' exploits in the past year should be enough to convince every company of the need to install firewalls, access controls, and other security measures. With the installation of cable modems or DSL lines, home users must follow the same guidelines. These new connections, which leave your personal computer "always on," are just as vulnerable to attacks as corporate systems.

In corporate systems, it's important to ensure authentication methods are in place so that unauthorized users can't gain access to the system and its data. Because most simple password systems are too weak and make the system too vulnerable, security experts are devising new methods to control access.

Biometric authentication is becoming more popular as a method of protecting systems and data as the technology is refined. While you may have seen the fingerprint or facial recognition techniques only on sci-fi movies, rest assured it may be the next wave of security that's installed in your organization.

If you allow employees to keep certain data on their machines that are not backed up to the mainframe computer, you need to ensure that safeguards are installed on the individual PCs. Make sure you have controls in place for accessing individual data, backing it up, and properly protecting it against corruption. Do you even have a policy about whether employees can store data on their individual terminals?

Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, and Antivirus Software

The four types of firewalls described in the text are:

· Packet filtering: data packet header information is examined in isolation

· Network address translation (NAT): conceals IP addresses and makes it more difficult to penetrate systems

· Application proxy filter: sort of like a fence through which a substitute message passes.

· Stateful inspection: the actual message comes through the firewall but must be identified by the user as passable.

Intrusion Detection Systems

Firewalls can deter, but not completely prevent, network penetration from outsiders and should be viewed as one element in an overall security plan. In addition to firewalls, digital firms relying on networks use intrusion detection systems to help them protect their systems.

In March 2002, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, reported over 250,000 unauthorized attempted entries into its computer systems by hackers in a 24-hour period. The intrusion detection systems it had in place allowed authorities to track the hacker attempts and thwart damage to its critical data and systems.

Antivirus Software

While most computer users, especially home users, know they are supposed to have antivirus software installed, they may be negligent in keeping it up-to-date. Because new viruses are unleashed almost every week, antivirus software needs constant updating — at least once a week. Many brand-name software programs have an automatic update feature that users should take advantage of.

Securing Wireless Networks

It's becoming more important for wi-fi users to protect their data and electronic transmissions as wireless networks and their access points proliferate around the country. Security is easily penetrated because of the very nature of the spectrum transmission used in wi-fi. Unless users take stringent precautions to protect their computers, it's relatively easy for hackers to obtain access to files. Stronger encryption and authentications systems for wi-fi than the original Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is being installed in newer computer models. But individual users still carry the responsibility to make sure passwords are changed from the original and encryption systems are used to help protect data.

Encryption and Public Key Infrastructure

Most people are reluctant to buy and sell on the Internet because they're afraid of theft, fraud, and interception of transactions. To help ease the mind and make transactions secure, many companies are using very sophisticated methods of protecting data as they travel across the various transmission mediums.

Watch any World War II movie and you'll see episodes of the good guys intercepting coded messages from the enemy. The messages were scrambled and almost impossible to interpret. But the good guys always won out in the end and unscrambled the message in time to save the world. Now we use sophisticated software programs to encrypt or scramble transmissions before they are sent. The sender and recipient have special software programs they can use to encode and decode the transaction on each end.

Encryption software programs incorporate authentication and message integrity in its program to ensure senders and receivers are protected against many of the computer crimes committed on networks and the Internet.

Usually you can't tell if a transmission is authentic when you receive it over the Internet or network. Digital signature software can create a method of verifying that the message, document, or file has not been altered between the time it left the sender and you received it. The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act authorized the use of digital signatures and promises to enhance electronic commerce and make it easier to do business digitally. You must be careful though as digital signatures can be forged or altered the same as an old-fashioned hand-written signature can be forged.

Another way of providing authenticity to network transmissions is by using a digital certificate. Just as your personal signature is connected to you, a digital certificate provides a way of proving you are. has lots of information about its digital certificate product and other useful information about this technology. You can get a demo certificate, find someone's certificate, or get more information about how to use your own certificate.

Two methods companies are using to make online transactions more secure are Secure Socket Layers and Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol. The next time you're on an e-commerce or e-business Web site, look in the address text box of your browser and notice if the address begins with https:. If so, the site incorporates one of these two security measures. Public key infrastructure (PKI) is another method for providing secure authentication of online identity and makes users more comfortable transacting business over networks.

Ensuring Software Reliability

Even though your system may appear to be working normally, you should still verify that it is working according to the specifications. Walkthroughs are an excellent way to review system specifications and make sure they are correct. Walkthroughs are usually conducted before programming begins, although they can be done periodically throughout all phases of system development.

Once a system has been coded, it is much harder and more expensive to debug it. We're beginning to sound like a broken record but it's important that you understand and remember that the more work you do before the programming phase begins, the less trouble you'll have later. You can't just start pounding the keyboard and hope everything turns out okay.

As organizations move more toward electronic business and e-commerce, they need to spend more time in the testing phase and do it in realistic terms. As your digital firm is building a new site, or even revamping an old one, you can't afford to underestimate the amount of traffic the site will generate, or overestimate it's stability. Toys-R-Us, Inc., learned that lesson the hard way in December 1999. Their site wasn't tested enough, under realistic conditions, and proved to be a complete failure. It cost the company not just millions of dollars but millions of dissatisfied customers who never came back for a second try.



Sunday, April 11, 2010

Miscellaneous on MIS

Computer-based or manual system that transforms data into information useful in the support of decision making. MIS can be classified as performing three functions:

(1) To generate reports-for example, financial statements, inventory status reports, or performance reports needed for routine or non-routine purposes.

(2) To answer what-if questions asked by management. For example, questions such as "What would happen to cash flow if the company changes its credit term for its customers?" can be answered by MIS. This type of MIS can be called Simulation.

(3) To support decision making. This type of MIS is appropriately called Decision Support System (DSS). DSS attempts to integrate the decision maker, the data base, and the quantitative models being used.
Before one can explain management information systems, the terms systems, information, and management must briefly be defined. A system is a combination or arrangement of parts to form an integrated whole. A system includes an orderly arrangement according to some common principles or rules. A system is a plan or method of doing something.

The study of systems is not new. The Egyptian architects who built the pyramids relied on a system of measurements for construction of the pyramids. Phoenician astronomers studied the system of the stars and predicted future star positions. The development of a set of standards and procedures, or even a theory of the universe, is as old as history itself. People have always sought to find relationships for what is seen or heard or thought about.

A system is a scientific method of inquiry, that is, observation, the formulation of an idea, the testing of that idea, and the application of the results. The scientific method of problem solving is systems analysis in its broadest sense. Data are facts and figures. However, data have no value until they are compiled into a system and can provide information for decision making.

Information is what is used in the act of informing or the state of being informed. Information includes knowledge acquired by some means. In the 1960s and 70s, it became necessary to formalize an educational approach to systems for business so that individuals and work groups and businesses who crossed boundaries in the various operations of business could have appropriate information. Technical developments in computers and data processing and new theories of systems analysis made it possible to computerize systems. Much of this computerization of systems was an out growth of basic research by the federal government.

Management is usually defined as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the business operation. This definition, which evolved from the work of Henri Fayol in the early 1900s, defines what a manager does, but it is probably more appropriate to define what management is rather than what management does. Management is the process of allocating an organization's inputs, including human and economic resources, by planning, organizing, directing, and controlling for the purpose of producing goods or services desired by customers so that organizational objectives are accomplished. If management has knowledge of the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of the business, its decisions can be made on the basis of facts, and decisions are more accurate and timely as a result.

Management information systems are those systems that allow managers to make decisions for the successful operation of businesses. Management information systems consist of computer resources, people, and procedures used in the modern business enterprise. The term MIS stands for management information systems. MIS also refers to the organization that develops and maintains most or all of the computer systems in the enterprise so that managers can make decisions. The goal of the MIS organization is to deliver information systems to the various levels of corporate managers. MIS professionals create and support the computer system throughout the company. Trained and educated to work with corporate computer systems, these professionals are responsible in some way for nearly all of the computers, from the largest mainframe to the desktop and portable PCs.


Management information systems do not have to be computerized, but with today's large, multinational corporations, computerization is a must for a business to be successful. However, management information systems began with simple manual systems such as customer databases on index cards. As early as 1642, the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical adding machine so that figures could be added to provide information. Almost two hundred years later, Charles Babbage, a professor of mathematics at Cambridge University in England, wanted to make a machine that would compute mathematical tables. He attempted to build a computing machine during the 1880s. He failed because his ideas were beyond his technical capabilities, not because the idea was flawed. Babbage is often called the father of the computer. With the advent of the computer, management information systems became automated.

In the late 1890s, because of the efforts of Herman Hollerith, who created a punch-card system to tabulate the data for the 1890 census, it was possible to begin to provide data-processing equipment. The punch card developed by Hollerith was later used to form a company to provide data-processing equipment. This company evolved into International Business Machines (IBM). Mainframe computers were used for management information systems from the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and up until the 1970s. In the 1970s, personal computers were first built by hobbyists. Then Apple computer developed one of the first practical personal computers. In the early 1980s, IBM developed its PC, and since then, the personal computer industry has mush roomed. Almost every management information system revolves around some kind of computer hardware and software.

Management information systems are be coming more important, and MIS personnel are more visible than in the 1960s and 1970s, when they were hidden away from the rest of the company and performed tasks behind closed doors. So remote were some MIS personnel from the operations of the business that they did not even know what products their companies made. This has changed because the need for an effective management information system is of primary concern to the business organization. Managers use MIS operations for all phases of management, including planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.

The Mis Job Today

MIS personnel must be technically qualified to work with computer hardware, software, and computer information systems. Currently, colleges and universities cannot produce enough MIS personnel for business needs, and job opportunities are great. MIS managers, once they have risen through their technical ranks of their organization to become managers, must remember that they are no longer doing the technical work. They must cross over from being technicians to become managers. Their job changes from being technicians to being systems managers who manage other people's technical work. They must see themselves as needing to solve the business problems of the user, and not just of the data-processing department.

MIS managers are in charge of the systems development operations for their firm. Systems development requires four stages when developing a system for any phase of the organization:

Phase I is systems planning. The systems team must investigate the initial problem by determining what the problem is and developing a feasibility study for management to review.

Phase II identifies the requirements for the systems. It includes the systems analysis, the user requirements, necessary hardware and software, and a conceptional design for the system. Top management then reviews the systems analysis and design.

Phase III involves the development of the systems. This involves developing technical support and technical specifications, reviewing users' procedures control, designing the system, testing the system, and providing user training for the system. At this time, management again reviews and decides on whether to implement the system.

Phase IV is the implementation of the system. The new system is converted from the old system, and the new system is implemented and then refined. There must then be ongoing maintenance and reevaluation of the system to see if it continues to meet the needs of the business.

Types of Systems

Management information systems can be used as a support to managers to provide a competitive advantage. The system must support the goals of the organization. Most organizations are structured along functional lines, and the typical systems are identified as follows:

Accounting management information systems: All accounting reports are shared by all levels of accounting managers.

Financial management information systems: The financial management information system provides financial information to all financial managers within an organization including the chief financial officer. The chief financial officer analyzes historical and current financial activity, projects future financial needs, and monitors and controls the use of funds over time using the information developed by the MIS department.

Manufacturing management information systems: More than any functional area, operations have been impacted by great advances in technology. As a result, manufacturing operations have changed. For instance, inventories are provided just in time so that great amounts of money are not spent for warehousing huge inventories. In some instances, raw materials are even processed on railroad cars waiting to be sent directly to the factory. Thus there is no need for warehousing.

Marketing management information systems: A marketing management information system supports managerial activity in the area of product development, distribution, pricing decisions, promotional effectiveness, and sales forecasting. More than any other functional area, marketing systems rely on external sources of data. These sources include competition and customers, for example.

Human resources management information systems: Human resources management information systems are concerned with activities related to workers, managers, and other individuals employed by the organization. Because the personnel function relates to all other areas in business, the human resources management information system plays a valuable role in ensuring organizational success. Activities performed by the human resources management information systems include, work-force analysis and planning, hiring, training, and job assignments.

The above are examples of the major management information systems. There may be other management information systems if the company is identified by different functional areas.

A management information system (MIS) is a subset of the overall internal controls of a business covering the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures by management accountants to solve business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy. Management information systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization.[1] Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. Decision Support Systems, Expert systems, and Executive information systems.[1]

It has been described as, "MIS 'lives' in the space that intersects technology and business. MIS combines tech with business to get people the information they need to do their jobs better/faster/smarter. Information is the lifeblood of all organizations - now more than ever. MIS professionals work as systems analysts, project managers, systems administrators, etc., communicating directly with staff and management across the organization."


At the start, in businesses and other organizations, internal reporting was made manually and only periodically, as a by-product of the accounting system and with some additional statistic(s), and gave limited and delayed information on management performance. Previously, data had to be separated individually by the people as per the requirement and necessity of the organization. Later, data was distinguished from information, and instead of the collection of mass of data, important, and to the point data that is needed by the organization was stored.

In their infancy, business computers were used for the practical business of computing the payroll and keeping track of accounts payable and accounts receivable. As applications were developed that provided managers with information about sales, inventories, and other data that would help in managing the enterprise, the term "MIS" arose to describe these kinds of applications. Today, the term is used broadly in a number of contexts and includes (but is not limited to): decision support systems, resource and people management applications, ERP, SCM, CRM, project management and database retrieval application.

An 'MIS' is a planned system of the collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. In a way it is a documented report of the activities that were planned and executed. According to Philip Kotler "A marketing information system consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers." [3]

The terms MIS and information system are often confused. Information systems include systems that are not intended for decision making. The area of study called MIS is sometimes referred to, in a restrictive sense, as information technology management. That area of study should not be confused with computer science. IT service management is a practitioner-focused discipline. MIS has also some differences with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as ERP incorporates elements that are not necessarily focused on decision support.

Professor Allen S. Lee states that "...research in the information systems field examines more than the technological system, or just the social system, or even the two side by side; in addition, it investigates the phenomena that emerge when the two interact." [4].

1)Provides information support for decision making in the organization
2)MIS is an integrated system of man and machine for providing the information to support the operation .
3)MIS is defined as a computer based information system.

What are Management Information Systems?

Definition: Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organisation.

The development and management of information technology tools assists executives and the general workforce in performing any tasks related to the processing of information. MIS and business systems are especially useful in the collation of business data and the production of reports to be used as tools for decision making. Applications of MIS with computers being as ubiquitous as they are today, there's hardly any large business that does not rely extensively on their IT systems.

However, there are several specific fields in which MIS has become invaluable.

* Strategy Support

While computers cannot create business strategies by themselves they can assist management in understanding the effects of their strategies, and help enable effective decision-making.

MIS systems can be used to transform data into information useful for decision making. Computers can provide financial statements and performance reports to assist in the planning, monitoring and implementation of strategy.

MIS systems provide a valuable function in that they can collate into coherent reports unmanageable volumes of data that would otherwise be broadly useless to decision makers. By studying these reports decision-makers can identify patterns and trends that would have remained unseen if the raw data were consulted manually.

MIS systems can also use these raw data to run simulations – hypothetical scenarios that answer a range of ‘what if’ questions regarding alterations in strategy. For instance, MIS systems can provide predictions about the effect on sales that an alteration in price would have on a product. These Decision Support Systems (DSS) enable more informed decision making within an enterprise than would be possible without MIS systems.

* Data Processing

Not only do MIS systems allow for the collation of vast amounts of business data, but they also provide a valuable time saving benefit to the workforce. Where in the past business information had to be manually processed for filing and analysis it can now be entered quickly and easily onto a computer by a data processor, allowing for faster decision making and quicker reflexes for the enterprise as a whole.

Management by Objectives

While MIS systems are extremely useful in generating statistical reports and data analysis they can also be of use as a Management by Objectives (MBO) tool.

MBO is a management process by which managers and subordinates agree upon a series of objectives for the subordinate to attempt to achieve within a set time frame. Objectives are set using the SMART ratio: that is, objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and Time-Specific.

The aim of these objectives is to provide a set of key performance indicators by which an enterprise can judge the performance of an employee or project. The success of any MBO objective depends upon the continuous tracking of progress.

In tracking this performance it can be extremely useful to make use of an MIS system. Since all SMART objectives are by definition measurable they can be tracked through the generation of management reports to be analysed by decision-makers.

Benefits of MIS

The field of MIS can deliver a great many benefits to enterprises in every industry. Expert organisations such as the Institute of MIS along with peer reviewed journals such as MIS Quarterly continue to find and report new ways to use MIS to achieve business objectives.

Core Competencies

Every market leading enterprise will have at least one core competency – that is, a function they perform better than their competition. By building an exceptional management information system into the enterprise it is possible to push out ahead of the competition. MIS systems provide the tools necessary to gain a better understanding of the market as well as a better understanding of the enterprise itself.

Enhance Supply Chain Management

Improved reporting of business processes leads inevitably to a more streamlined production process. With better information on the production process comes the ability to improve the management of the supply chain, including everything from the sourcing of materials to the manufacturing and distribution of the finished product.

Simple quiz

1. A word processing program would be an example of:

a. hardware.
b. software.
c. data.
d. procedures.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy

2. A computer monitor would be an example of:
a. hardware.
b. software.
c. a DSS.
d. spaceware.
e. data.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy

3. All of the following are components of an information system except:

a. software.
b. culture.
c. hardware.
d. procedures.
e. people.
Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

4. Windows XP would be an example of the __________________ component of an
information system.

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people
Answer: a Difficulty: Easy

5. A network router would be an example of the __________________ component of an
information system.

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

6. A software trainer would be an example of the __________________ component of an
information system.

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people
Answer: e Difficulty: Medium

7. A computer security protocol for logging in would be an example of the
__________________ component of an information system.

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people
Answer: d Difficulty: Medium

58. An end user would be an example of the __________________ component of an information
a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people
Answer: e Difficulty: Easy

9. Customer numbers and their names would be an example of the __________________
component of an order management information system.

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium

10. An iPod would be an example of the __________________ component of an information

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people
Answer: b Difficulty:medium

11. The music one downloads from a music sharing site to one’s own computer or device would
be an example of the __________________ component of an information system.

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium

12. A wall calendar is an example of a(n) ____________________.
a. software.
b. information system
c. hardware.
d. procedure.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy

13. You need to ___________________ the development of your business’ computer system.

a. take a class on
b. take an active role in
c. pass the task over to the IT department for
d. ignore

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy P

14. The information ____________________ specify what the new system should be able to do
when completed.

a. programs
b. software
c. requirements
d. analyses
e. help functions.

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard

15. An MIS helps businesses achieve:

a. its goals and objectives.
b. parity.
c. fairness.
d. security.
e. waking up employees.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy

16. Nonroutine cognitive skills include:

a. communication.
b. problem-solving.
c. abstract reasoning.
d. collaboration.
e. All of the above.

Answer: e Difficulty: Easy

17. People need to become comfortable with __________ to succeed in the 21st century.

a. technology
b. ambiguity
c. routine skills

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy

18. An example of a set of instructions is the _________________ component.
a. hardware
b. people
c. data
d. software

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy P

19. A company’s ______________________serves as the instructions for how users may use
and access the data.

a. software
b. hardware
c. context
d. procedures
e. people

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium

20. The __________________ functions as the instructions for the hardware in an information

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedures
e. people

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium

21. The ___________________ functions as a bridge between the human side of the information
system components and the computer/automation side.

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium

22. The most important component of an information system is ___________________.

a. software
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people

Answer: e Difficulty: Easy

73. The most important component of an information system is the_________________.

a. software.
b. hardware.
c. data.
d. security software.
e. people.

Answer: e Difficulty: Medium

24. The process of _________________ moves work from people to computers.

a. automation
b. integration
c. technology
d. information

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium

25. The quality of your ____________is a large part of the quality of your information system.
a. computer
b. thinking
c. time
d. challenges
e. life

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

26. A system that consists of a file of email addresses and an email program is _________.

a. high-tech
b. low-tech
c. high-gear
d. cognitive

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

27. It is probably easier to change the ________________ of an information system than the

a. context
b. hardware
c. data
d. procedure
e. people

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

28. It is probably harder to make changes to the _________________ of an information system
than the data itself.

a. software
b. hardware
c. context
d. procedures

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium

29. Knowledge derived from recorded facts is _________.

a. data
b. information
c. truth
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

80. Recorded facts and figures are _________.

a. data
b. information
c. truth
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium

31. A good information system will provide each user with:

a. large quantities of information.
b. colorful graphics.
c. user tools.
d. data flows.
e. just barely as much information as is needed.

Answer: a Difficulty: Hard

32. A ticket from L.A. to Denver costs $212. This is an example of :

a. data
b. information
c. truth
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium

33. The average cost of a gallon of petrol is currently $3.01. This is an example of:

a. data
b. information
c. truth
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

34. Information is __________ data.

a. grouped
b. technical
c. processed
d. context

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium

35. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good information?

a. interchangeability
b. relevance
c. cost effectiveness
d. timeliness
e. accuracy

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium

36. Information must be ___; it must be correct.
a. relevant
b. economical
c. timely
d. accurate

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium

37. Good information is _______; it is produced in time for its intended use.

a. relevant
b. economical
c. timely
d. accurate

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium

38. If you are a ___________________ recipient of sensitive information, such as might be
overheard or contained in a misdirected email, this would not be illegal, but might be
unethical to use it.

a. active
b. passive
c. proper
d. business

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

39. Information that is produced at a reasonable cost would be considered ________________

a. relevant
b. economical
c. timely
d. business

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

40. The average temperature on the surface of the moon would probably be
___________________ information for a financial analyst.

a. important.
b. timely.
c. irrelevant.
d. accurate.

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy

41. In order to be cost effective, information must be:

a. timely.
b. adaptable.
c. be worth the cost of producing it.
d. an input into another system.
e. comprehensive.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium

42. _______________ refers to the products, methods, inventions, and standards used for
producing information.

a. Interrelated components
b. Information systems
c. Information components
d. Information technology

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium

43. Problem-identifiers and problem-solvers are examples of __________________.

a. Solution brokers
b. Symbolic-analytic workers
c. In-person service workers
d. Routine production service workers

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

44. The basic idea of Moore’s law is that:

a. IT makes people more productive.
b. people tend to want more information than they need.
c. computer memory is getting bigger.
d. the density of transistors on a computer chip doubles every 18 months.

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium

45. The density of transistors on a chip is directly related to the _______________ of the chip.

a. color
b. speed
c. threading
d. analysis

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium

46. It is expected that the price and power of computer chips will________________ over the
next decade.

a. continue to grow slowly
b. stay about the same
c. shrink
d. grow more dramatically
e. obey Moore’s Law

Answer: e Difficulty: Medium

47. The cost as measured per 10,000 transistors on computer chips has been
__________________ steadily over time.

a. keeping pace
b. gradually increasing
c. dropping
d. increasing drastically

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard

48. According to Moore’s Law, an integrated chip’s speed and power should _______________
every 18 months.

a. gradually increase
b. grow 50%
c. increase 100%
d. grow 200%
e. increase exponentially

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard

49. To get the most out of any class you take it is important to ________________ the material
by asking, “How will this class help me to achieve my goals?”

a. personalize
b. review
c. summarize
d. criticize
e. all of the above

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium

50. It is important to try to understand the ___________________ of teachers, authors, and your

a. behavior
b. ethics
c. etiquette
d. judgement
e. perspective

Answer: e Difficulty: Medium

51. Information has been defined as “a difference that makes a difference”. Most quantitativelyoriented
teachers and professionals would view this definition as:

a. valuable.
b. a good basis for analysis.
c. vapid and useless.
d. good for business.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


To function effectively as an interacting, interrelated, and interdependent
feedback tool for management and staff, MIS must be "useable." The five
elements of a useable MIS system are: timeliness, accuracy, consistency,
completeness, and relevance. The usefulness of MIS is hindered whenever
one or more of these elements is compromised.
To simplify prompt decision making, an institution's MIS should be capable of
providing and distributing current information to appropriate users.
Information systems should be designed to expedite reporting of information.
The system should be able to quickly collect and edit data, summarize results,
and be able to adjust and correct errors promptly.
A sound system of automated and manual internal controls must exist
throughout all information systems processing activities. Information should
receive appropriate editing, balancing, and internal control checks. A
comprehensive internal and external audit program should be employed to
ensure the adequacy of internal controls.
To be reliable, data should be processed and compiled consistently and
uniformly. Variations in how data is collected and reported can distort
information and trend analysis. In addition, because data collection and
reporting processes will change over time, management must establish sound
procedures to allow for systems changes. These procedures should be well
defined and documented, clearly communicated to appropriate employees,
and should include an effective monitoring system.
Decision makers need complete and pertinent information in a summarized
form. Reports should be designed to eliminate clutter and voluminous detail,
thereby avoiding "information overload."
Information provided to management must be relevant. Information that is
inappropriate, unnecessary, or too detailed for effective decision making has
no value. MIS must be appropriate to support the management level using it.
The relevance and level of detail provided through MIS systems directly
correlate to what is needed by the board of directors, executive management,
departmental or area mid-level managers, etc. in the performance of their

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Advantages and Disadvantages of EIS

Advantages of EIS

  • Easy for upper-level executives to use, extensive computer experience is not required in operations
  • Provides timely delivery of company summary information
  • Information that is provided is better understood
  • Filters data for management
  • Improves to tracking information
  • Offers efficiency to decision makers

Disadvantages of EIS

  • System dependent
  • Limited functionality, by design
  • Information overload for some managers
  • Benefits hard to quantify
  • High implementation costs
  • System may become slow, large, and hard to manage
  • Need good internal processes for data management
  • May lead to less reliable and less secure data

Applications of EIS

EIS enables executives to find those data according to user-defined criteria and promote information-based insight and understanding. Unlike a traditional management information system presentation, EIS can distinguish between vital and seldom-used data, and track different key critical activities for executives, both which are helpful in evaluating if the company is meeting its corporate objectives. After realizing its advantages, people have applied EIS in many areas, especially, in manufacturing, marketing, and finance areas.


Basically, manufacturing is the transformation of raw materials into finished goods for sale, or intermediate processes involving the production or finishing of semi-manufactures. It is a large branch of industry and of secondary production. Manufacturing operational control focuses on day-to-day operations, and the central idea of this process is effectiveness and efficiency. To produce meaningful managerial and operational information for controlling manufacturing operations, the executive has to make changes in the decision processes. EIS provides the evaluation of vendors and buyers, the evaluation of purchased materials and parts, and analysis of critical purchasing areas. Therefore, the executive can oversee and review purchasing operations effectively with EIS. In addition, because production planning and control depends heavily on the plant’s data base and its communications with all manufacturing work centers, EIS also provides an approach to improve production planning and control.


In an organization, marketing executives’ role is to create the future. Their main duty is managing available marketing resources to create a more effective future. For this, they need make judgments about risk and uncertainty of a project and its impact on the company in short term and long term. To assist marketing executives in making effective marketing decisions, an EIS can be applied. EIS provides an approach to sales forecasting, which can allow the market executive to compare sales forecast with past sales. EIS also offers an approach to product price, which is found in venture analysis. The market executive can evaluate pricing as related to competition along with the relationship of product quality with price charged. In summary, EIS software package enables marketing executives to manipulate the data by looking for trends, performing audits of the sales data, and calculating totals, averages, changes, variances, or ratios. All of these sales analysis functions help marketing executives to make final decisions.


A financial analysis is one of the most important steps to companies today. The executive needs to use financial ratios and cash flow analysis to estimate the trends and make capital investment decisions. An EIS is a responsibility-oriented approach that integrates planning or budgeting with control of performance reporting, and it can be extremely helpful to finance executives. Basically, EIS focuses on accountability of financial performance and it recognizes the importance of cost standards and flexible budgeting in developing the quality of information provided for all executive levels. EIS enables executives to focus more on the long-term basis of current year and beyond, which means that the executive not only can manage a sufficient flow to maintain current operations but also can figure out how to expand operations that are contemplated over the coming years. Also, the combination of EIS and EDI environment can help cash managers to review the company’s financial structure so that the best method of financing for an accepted capital project can be concluded. In addition, the EIS is a good tool to help the executive to review financial ratios, highlight financial trends and analyze a company’s performance and its competitors.

Executive Information System


An Executive Information System (EIS) is a type of management information system intended to facilitate and support the information and decision-making needs of senior executives by providing easy access to both internal and external information relevant to meeting the strategic goals of the organization. It is commonly considered as a specialized form of a Decision Support System (DSS)

The emphasis of EIS is on graphical displays and easy-to-use user interfaces. They offer strong reporting and drill-down capabilities. In general, EIS are enterprise-wide DSS that help top-level executives analyze, compare, and highlight trends in important variables so that they can monitor performance and identify opportunities and problems. EIS and data warehousing technologies are converging in the marketplace.

In recent years, the term EIS has lost popularity in favour of Business Intelligence (with the sub areas of reporting, analytics, and digital dashboards).

Components of EIS

The components of an EIS can typically be classified as:


When talking about hardware for an EIS environment, we should focus on the hardware that meet the executive’s needs. The executive must be put first and the executive’s needs must be defined before the hardware can be selected. The basic computer hardware needed for a typical EIS includes four components:

  1. Input data-entry devices. These devices allow the executive to enter, verify, and update data immediately;
  2. The central processing unit (CPU), which is the kernel because it controls the other computer system components;
  3. Data storage files. The executive can use this part to save useful business information, and this part also help the executive to search historical business information easily;
  4. Output devices, which provide a visual or permanent record for the executive to save or read. This device refers to the visual output device or printer.

In addition, with the advent of local area networks (LAN), several EIS products for networked workstations became available. These systems require less support and less expensive computer hardware. They also increase access of the EIS information to many more users within a company.


Choosing the appropriate software is vital to design an effective EIS. Therefore, the software components and how they integrate the data into one system are very important. The basic software needed for a typical EIS includes four components:

  1. Text base software. The most common form of text are probably documents;
  2. Database. Heterogeneous databases residing on a range of vendor-specific and open computer platforms help executives access both internal and external data;
  3. Graphic base. Graphics can turn volumes of text and statistics into visual information for executives. Typical graphic types are: time series charts, scatter diagrams, maps, motion graphics, sequence charts, and comparison-oriented graphs (i.e., bar charts);
  4. Model base. The EIS models contain routine and special statistical, financial, and other quantitative analysis.

Perhaps a more difficult problem for executives is choosing from a range of highly technical software packages. Ease of use, responsiveness to executives' requests, and price are all reasonable considerations. Further, it should be considered whether the package can run on existing hardware.

User Interface

An EIS needs to be efficient to retrieve relevant data for decision makers, so the user interface is very important. Several types of interfaces can be available to the EIS structure, such as scheduled reports, questions/answers, menu driven, command language, natural language, and input/output. It is crucial that the interface must fit the decision maker’s decision-making style. If the executive is not comfortable with the information questions/answers style, the EIS will not be fully utilized. The ideal interface for an EIS would be simple to use and highly flexible, providing consistent performance, reflecting the executive’s world, and containing help information.


As decentralizing is becoming the current trend in companies, telecommunications will play a pivotal role in networked information systems. Transmitting data from one place to another has become crucial for establishing a reliable network. In addition, telecommunications within an EIS can accelerate the need for access to distributed data.