Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Simulation & Modeling Software

We can understand computer simulation language as the language which describes operation of a simulation on a computer.

It can be broadly categorized in following two categories:

1. continuous
2. Discrete event

Many lnguages have a graphical interface and are capable of performing simple statistical analysis of the results.

While using discrete-event languages we can easily generate pseudo-random numbers and determine variables using different probability distributions.

Some of the Discrete event and continuous language packages have been listed below:

ExtendSim simulation environment for discrete event, continuous, discrete-rate and agent-based simulation.[1]
Plant Simulation
Simio software for discrete event, continuous, and agent-based simulation.[2]
SimPy, an open-source package based on Python
SIMSCRIPT II.5, a well established commercial compiler
Java Modelling Tools, an open-source package with graphical user-interface[3]
Poses++, a discrete-event simulation system with Petri net based modeling
OMNeT++, a C++-based discrete-event simulation package.
Mirelle, a programming/scripting language with simulation support. [4]

Some of the Continuous simulation languages package are:

  1. Advanced Continuous Simulation Language (ACSL), which supports textual or graphical model specification
  2. Diesel Model Description Language
  4. SimApp, simple simulation of dynamic systems and control systems [6]
  5. Simgua, simulation toolbox and environment, supports Visual Basic [7]
  6. Simulation Language for Alternative Modeling (SLAM) (There used also be a Simulation Language for Analogue Modeling (SLAM))
  7. VisSim, a visually programmed block diagram language
    Hybrid, and other.
  8. LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim[8], simulation platform to model and analyze multi-domain systems and predict their performances
  9. Flowmaster V7[9] Software for the analysis of fluid mechanics within pipe networks using 1D Computational Fluid Dynamics
  10. AnyLogic multi-method simulation tool, which supports System dynamics, Discrete event simulation, Agent-based modeling
  11. Modelica: open-standard object-oriented language for modeling of complex physical systems
    Simulink: Continuous and discrete event capability
  12. Scicos: Continuous-time, discrete-time and event based simulation tool distributed with ScicosLab: It contains a block diagram editor, a compiler, simulator and code generation facilities: Free software.
  13. XMLlab: simulations with XML
  14. Flexsim:3D process simulation software for continuous, discrete event, or agent-based systems.
  15. Simio software for discrete event, continuous, and agent-based simulation.
  16. EICASLAB:Continuous, discrete and discrete event capability specifically devoted to support the automatic control design.


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